Medical practice and the opioid crisis. Updates on state and national rules, prescription monitoring programs, and pain management.
Updated opioid prescribing guidelines from the CDC
The CDC has updated its opioid prescribing recommendations to emphasize individualized patient-focused care and increased flexibility.
TMB issues final rules for pain management
TMB rules for PMP checks, acute pain, and opioid CME requirements
TMB clarifies prescribing limits for acute pain
The TMB is trying to clear up confusion about the new 10-day opioid prescribing limit for acute pain.
New opioid prescribing limits take effect September 1
New legislation places a 10-day limit on opioid prescriptions for acute pain.
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CASE STUDY VIDEO: Improper Prescribing
Recap: “How to Fight the Opioid Epidemic”
Five risk management takeaways
HIPAA and the opioid crisis
How HIPAA allows information sharing to respond to the opioid crisis
Prescription Monitoring Program (PMP)
TMB says PMP checks NOT required for inpatient prescribing
TMB issued guidance stating that checking the PMP is NOT required for inpatient care.
Law requires Texas physicians to query PMP before prescribing opioids
Texas physicians will soon be required to check the Texas Prescription Monitoring database before prescribing opioids, benzodiazepines, barbiturates, or carisoprodol.
Case Studies
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